At a loose end

At a loose end”

The other day when I got up

´twas just another day,

I got the bus and went to work,

half dreaming on the way.

There on my desk, I found a note.

My boss wanted to chat.

What did I do wrong? I thought,

perplexed about the fact.

They chucked me out, I got the sack,

They showed me to the door.

I grabbed my things and said goodbye,

my backside feeling sore.

It’s not their fault, they told me clear

They have to make ends meet.

So here I am, a loose end

that sadly must be snipped.

Oh, woe is me, I am undone!

a loose end drifting free,

Oh, woe is me, I am undone!

What will become of me?

I´ll have no boss to shout at me,

no cause to get up early.

I’ll have no stress to make me fret,

no need to dress so tidy.

I´ll have to read a book or two,

I´ll have to watch T.V.

I´ll have to go to evening class,

to boost my poor C.V.

I´ll live on salad, go for walks

and somehow I´ll get by.

Until I find another job

to keep me occupied.